Living in the Bay Area of California as a child there was a neighborhood church who played the bells on Saturdays and Sundays. The church was just an old building really, no charm in it or the grounds. But the beauty it shared with us is something I treasure still to this day. I would wake up early on Saturday mornings and climb into our treehouse so I could see more of the sunrise and listen with pure delight to the morning's song. It was absolutely peaceful. On Sunday evenings it would play several songs and my family would sit on the patio and just listen. One weekend the bells didn't play. My mom knew something was wrong and took me and my brother to this little church to find out that the old pastor was dying. He went home to be with the Lord a few days later. Many hundreds of people came to his funeral, the little church could not hold them all. Most never attended his church but they loved the beauty he shared with us. He said he wanted people to know that God loves them and He does, all of us, there are no exceptions.
Each of us have God-given gifts to share it, give it all away. People need your kind words, a smile, your thoughtfulness so they too can know God loves them, because He does.
The beauty of The Old Parsonage in Little Bredy, Dorset @mccormickcharlie was featured in the May issue of @countrylivinguk and brought these sweet memories back. #regram from @clivenichols
馃尶馃尫It's the weekend!
I hope its lovely sweet friends. 馃尫馃尶
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